Catecismo Iglesia Catolica

by Marian Barbutu

Books & Reference


It was translated and prepared by theologians and catechists, presided over by Archbishop José Manuel Estepa Llaurens with the collaboration of Archbishop Estanislao Esteban Karlic and Bishop Jorge Medina Estévez, and were members of the group: Antonio Cañizares Llovera (Bishop of Ávila), Manuel del Campo Guilarte (Director of the National Secretariat for Catechesis of Spain), Mariano Herranz Marco and César Augusto Franco Martínez.3According to the publication data, the biblical citations have been taken mainly from the first Spanish edition (1967) of the Jerusalem Bible published by Editorial Descleé de Brouwer, S.A. from Bilbao (Spain), and for the main cover a Christian tombstone from Domitila (Rome) of pagan origin was used as a logo that represents Jesus Christ as good shepherd.